Sunday, December 2, 2007


This Thanksgiving Season was especially exciting because my Grandparents were here from Ohio. Daniel has also started enjoying the wonderful new world of drinking water from a cup and eating "bananas ala smoosh." Daniel and his new sippy cup, he mostly thinks it's fun to play with but when he gets water, it makes him so excited!
Grandpa teaching Daniel how to play with the Thanksgiving centerpiece.
Great- Grandpa Levi visiting from Ohio. Daniel thought it was great fun to watch his Great- Grandpa working on our house while he was here. He worked on stripping fifty year old walpaper from our front entrance so we can get it painted! Thanks Grandpa for all your hard work!
Four generations, Daniel and his Grandpa, Mom, and Great Grandparents.

Oh, Thanksgiving weekend was also a special time for us. We celebrated Daniel's baby dedication. It was so nice to have family and friends able to join us as we dedicated Daniel to the Lord. We were just reminded about how thankful we are for our family and friends!

I hope you all enjoyed your Thanksgiving as well!

1 comment:

Ryan L Freed said... know Daniel may end up looking like Levi some day. :)