Wednesday, July 25, 2007

A Hunter's Tale

"So I was out in the woods one day when I came across a big scary bear!"
"I was just a tiny bit scared, but I knew exactly what to do to scare that growly bear away..."
"... I growled right back at it like this..."
"yeah, I can handle bears... no sweat"

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

5 Generations

On Sunday we enjoyed a fun visit with Justin's Great Grandparents and his Grandparents. Of course we had to take pictures of these 5 generations. ..
Justin, Daniel, and Lester

Clara and Daniel
(Back Row)Joyce (Justin's Grandma), Justin & Daniel, Anne (Justin's Mom), Charlie (Justin's Grandpa) Front: Lester (Joyce's Dad, Justin's Great-Grandpa), Clara (Charlie's mom, Justin's Great grandma)

Saturday, July 21, 2007

More pictures

I like to kick my blankets off when I'm sleeping!

Tonisha was trying different hats on me this week.

I'm sooo cute!

Hanging out with Dad.

Justin's sister, who is in Mexico and still hasn't met Daniel was requesting to see more pictures of him... so Janell here you go...

Adventures in Gormet Food with Justin & Jerryl

Last evening we had a nice time hanging out at my parent's house. My mom was expirementing with a new recipe for stuffed peppers and they turned out really really well!!! (look out Rachel Ray!)

My Dad came up with a new gourmet delicacy--- putting Basil Pesto Sauce on Cantelope. He convinced Justin to join him in his culinary adventure and now he is hooked!
So look out family-- if at the reunion you see something green on your melons know that it is basil and not mold:-)
Note: I must admit that it really doesn't taste that bad... however, I don't think I would get cravings for it.

Parting Shot: (Sara had a cough and really really wanted to hold Daniel so we told her if she covered her mouth with a hankie she could. This is what mom helped her come up with after the paper napkin stuffed in the top of her glasses didn't work:-)

Monday, July 16, 2007

A Special Day

Last Monday (7/9) Daniel and I had a very special day. My aunt Dawn picked us up in the morning and took us to visit Great Grandma and Grandma and she even made us all a yummy lunch! (Thanks again, Dawn!) We got my aunt Sylvia to take this 4 generation picture of my mom, Grandma, Daniel and I . Grandma kept saying "he's so cute" and "he's so heavy." (he weighed in at 9lbs at the doc's on Friday). I'll have to post more later my little man wants his afternoon snack...

Saturday, July 7, 2007

I'm One Week Old!!! (on 7/5/07)

Daniel is doing very well, we had our first doctor's apointment yesterday. He is not quite back to his birth weight yet so we will have to go get weighed again next week. However, he is already off the charts as far as his height is concerned :-)

I love to suck on my fingers when I'm not poking myself in the eye!

Don't I look good in red?

Pictures make me sleepy...

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Some more pictures...

Here are some more pictures for your enjoyment... Daniel is doing very well he really is awake quiet a bit of the day (and night) and loves to look at lights and his black and white panda toy.
My cousin Heidi was here today and we measured his feet because they weren't fitting in newborn socks... his feet are 3 1/2 inches long!!! (His toes are about a 1/2 inch). We think he's one big bundle of joy.
Daniel and Grandpa Ed

Daniel and Grandma Anne

Daniel and Grandpa and Grandma Miller

One of my favorite places... my swing

Getting ready to go home...