Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Still waiting...

For those of you who might be wondering what is going on in our world... we're still waiting for baby!

Justin has been staying busy at the Orchard with the strawberries and now cherries. I've been especially enjoying the bright red cherries he's been bringing home... they are just as good as candy. I have been off work since last Monday and doing a lot of reading and "nesting."

Tonight I felt like I needed to get out of the house so we went to the bookstore. We were inspired by the collection of bilingual children's books and so we bought our baby it's first board book "Mi primer libro de la granja." (My first farm book). We decided to hold off on the German and French for now and just try and focus on Spanish.

Though I didn't purchase any, I was very excited to see that they are printing "The Bobsy (sp?) Twin" series again!!! (I thought some of my fellow children's book enthusiasts would enjoy this bit of info.)

Oh, a funny story before I go... my crazy pregnant brain has been doing very strange things lately. My midwife recommended that I drink lemonade, so this morning at the grocery store I dutifully bought two bottles for my own consumption. Later today, while making a stop at the Denver Turkey Hill, I noticed that the lemonade was on sale 3 1/2 gallons for $3. "What a great deal!" I thought to myself (being a Miller, I could never pass up such a bargain!) I completely forgot that I had purchased lemonade earlier until I brought it home and went to put it in our bursting fridge. Much to my dismay, I now have a total of 5 bottles of lemonade in our fridge and --unfortunately-- Justin is not fond of it. Does anyone have any creative ideas for how to use up lemonade? (I was thinking of trying to disguise it in homemade iced tea...)


Ryan L Freed said...

Try to enjoy the waiting. :) Read and sleep!!! Can't wait to hear the news. :)


Thomas said...

Here's an idea. 1/2 ice tea, 1/2 lemonade...Justin might like lemon-tea.:)

Met my friend's newborn ( completely adorable!!) girl tonight and of course I thought about you.


Jerryl said...

Time for an updated picture of the tummy size...one last posting while you wait.....Mom