Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Our Weekend!

Here is an update on what our family has been up to:
This weekend for my birthday celebration I spent the day at the orchard festival and then we went for a walk at a local state park. Daniel loved being outside and experiencing new things . It was fun to get away as a family and enjoy the beautiful weather God sent us! It was also nice break during a very busy time for us as a family. However, we are not complaining because the Orchard is having an excellent fall-- even though I am not a farmer I can tell the apples are simply beautiful this year, I've been decorating my kitchen with them. (There is nothing better than being able to eat your centerpieces:-)

Grandma introducing Daniel to pumpkins.

Daniel helping Grandma to sell tickets at the festival.
Our family.Trying to get Daniel to smile for a picture:-)
A classic Daniel smile:-) He absolutely enjoys being outside. We have taught him the sign for come and sometimes when he is fussy he will reach for a window or our door, telling us he wants to go outside. When we step outside we immediately have a happy child, step back in-- he screams. I don't know what we'll do once it's too cold to take him out:-)
Justin and Daniel sunbathing. It has been amazing to see how even though Daniel is so little he knows who his daddy is. One of his favorite times of the day is when daddy comes home and holds him. We've already noticed he gets grouchier if Justin is away several evenings in a row.
Daniel trying to "taste" grass for the first time.
Daniel's first encounter with a leaf. I got a really cute video of this moment also... Daniel was very seriously "talking" to this leaf. If anyone knows how to put videos on a blog please let me know!

Thursday, October 4, 2007

I'm Three Months Old!!!

This picture was taken on Daniel's three month birthday (Sept 28), as you can see, his fingers are still a big hit!