Thursday, September 13, 2007

Reaching more milestones...

Here are some pictures of the new things that are happening at our house:Daniel has really started enjoying his walker, he can only stand on his tip-toes but he loves it anyway. (I think the colorful toys attached to it have something to do with his interest in it:-)
Daniel has also begun his literary adventures-- he loves his cloth "Things that Go" book and he enjoys "tasting" the pages... we'll have to work on that before he goes to preschool:-) jk (Mom and dad are also impressed that he "turns" the pages and screams when he gets to the end and can't turn anymore... we aren't sure if he does this accidentally or if it's purposeful yet:-)
His latest trick involves getting both feet onto his highchair tray and trying to arch his back to stand up... mom's afraid he will go sky-diving one of these days so I usually strap him in really well and stay close by...

We are also starting to get a taste of his sense of humor... this morning I tickled him and he giggled... I'm sure of it. He also likes to smile a lot at his dad when he gets home from work:-)